eeehhh uhhhh ermmmm fffffff...
Hold onto your butts.
Artillery Engineer
Joined on 6/4/04
eeehhh uhhhh ermmmm fffffff...
I remember writing this review back in October of 2,004:
"Totally agree with RelinquishedShadow"
submission: I&B Go to the Mall
date: October 12, 2004
Well executed graphics, goood charachter development, and fairly funny plot.
I'd like to see more of Iadulo and Beloochi.
No interactivity? You get a big fat "0" in that area, though this flash does not need interactivity. And actually, having it would probably take away from it."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-
Are you being accused of plagiarism NOW? Hmm, a bit late for that, n'est pas?
Different styles and NOT MUCH RESEMBLANCE.
Also, BAMBEE is among the best animations (if not the very best) I've seen on NG. There are many xclnt ones, but bambee transcends language barriers and national borders. Not many animations can claim that.
Don't Quixote did said to his sidekick Sancho Panza: "let the dogs bark, we are on the right track".
Thank you for the support. I do appreciate you backing me up, however I think you may have misinterpreted me. I'm not being accused of plagiarism. If you'll notice, the date on my character design precedes DiggityDemon's character design. So if anyone stole anything, it would have been him.
And folks may say that this sort of activity isn't worth throwing a fit over, but in a community so tightly knit and small as animation, NAY, independent-animation, you'd have to be a royale douchebag to steal from a fellow independent artist.
That's a rip-off. Feel charmed, dude. You have a wannabe.XD
How's it going with the third part of I&B? If you don't remember me, I was the one suggesting you to do a third part where they go to school... but that was a long time ago I suggested that. But you did say you will consider it.
Hey man, thanks for the props. I do remember your suggestion, and in fact had a little treatment made for that idea. I also have one where they visit an amusement park with Shia LaBeof as their sitter.
I'm currently working on a new short, but it's a 3D production, so that's absorbing most of my time. Once that's said and done, I'll definitely shift my focus back to 2D stuff. :D
It's certainly possible that he was imitating your style, but outright plagiarism seems unlikely. Also, this was some time ago, before he put out his quality work, so I doubt he'd do anything even close to this ever again.
Max seems like the person who wouldn't give enough of a shit to plagiarize. Either case, I wouldn't worry about it.
Also Bambee's fucking hysterical. Hope to see more good work from you later on.
I love you.
All you need is love, mate.
akwaaaaaard. Can you say..."owned biatch?"
I guess that pretty much summs it all up.
Ur teh bettar Batman! :(
:D Thanks homie.
Besides the hairy penis growing out of your characters head...yea, I'd say they are almost identical. Plagiarism however, you're jumping into a deep pool there my friend. But if he is in fact making money off of this stuff...ROY-AL-TIES, mathafucka.
Most likely you two have similar wave-lengths in humor, thinking, and artistic style.
I highly doubt plagiarism is involved.
El-Cid (Updated )
I would argue that his character designs/style (something he's proud enough of to charge you money for--seriously check his site out), is very distinct. Notice all his characters tend to have egg heads and huge circular eyes. And then this one came along.